The Underwood PTO funds and supports programs and materials above and beyond those afforded by the City of Newton’s education budget, supplementing and supporting our children’s curriculum and cultural growth. In a typical year, the Underwood PTO budget provides more than $120 worth of support per student and continues to enhance the Underwood community and experience for students and families.
Where does the PTO spend money?
The Underwood PTO operating budget is approximately $40,000 annually. The majority of the budget is spent on:
- Teacher, specialist, and Principal allocations that are spent directly in classrooms and in the building to benefit Underwood students,
- Creative Arts & Sciences Program (CASC),
- Technology & library purchases,
- Support for families in our community through the Community Cares Program.
How does the PTO raise money?
The PTO aims to have a balanced budget each year and relies solely on fundraising through events and annual dues. This year, annual dues donations from Underwood families will be even more critical to our fundraising efforts, as many longstanding events must be canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past the Mystery Dinner, Online Auction and Spring Carnival provided the majority of our fundraising dollars, and in 2019 the Fun Run became a fantastic addition to our slate of fundraisers. In 2020-21, we are thankful for an extremely successful Virtual Fun Run and have augmented our fundraising efforts with new initiatives and events, but direct donations from the community will have an enormous impact and allow us to maintain our support of our students and teachers in an especially challenging year.
Every dollar makes a difference and no gift is too small!
How can I contribute?
- Online: Contributions can be made online on our Donate page.
- By Mail: Download the Donation Form here and checks can be mailed to Underwood PTO, 101 Vernon Street, Newton, MA 02458.
- In Person: Download the Donation Form here and donate by check using the cut away slip on the donation form and placing it in the PTO mailbox in the school office.
- Company Matching Program: Many companies have matching programs for donations made to nonprofit organizations.
THANK YOU for your continued support!