School Calendar Mon, Nov 9th – Sunday, Nov 22nd Online Book Fair Fri, Nov 13th DLA Supply Bag Pick-Up Thurs, Nov 26th – Fri, Nov 27th Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL Thurs, Dec 3rd Virtual PTO Meeting andBertucci’s Night Letter From the Principal Dear Underwood Families, Whether we are talking about wild weather forecasts, rising state and national covid rates or the presidential election, November has been eventful to say the least. All too frequently we fail to recognize the toll these sorts of events have on our lives and the exhaustion it can create for many, including young children. While we are moving into more rigorous work across the disciplines, I am pleased that teachers spent the early part of our school year studying our students, learning who they are, and working to meet their social and emotional needs. Teachers and students READ MORE
Category: From the Principal
Picture Day @ Underwood 2020
Dear Underwood Families, I hope each one of you enjoyed the long weekend and, if you were observing the holiday, I hope you had an easy and meaningful fast. I am writing to share information with all families about Picture Day 2020 at the Underwood School. Coffee Pond will be taking school portraits of Underwood students in the Distance Learning Academy on Thursday, October 8th and Tuesday, October 13th outside Underwood after school from 3:30-4:30pm. Please click here to sign your child(ren) up for a 10 minute time slot. Please arrive as close to your chosen time as possible to limit the number of people gathered. Coffee Pond has introduced online ordering and a new barcode scanning system to eliminate the need to pass paper between individuals. Please order your photos at in advance of your child’s picture day. Coffee Pond’s Covid-19 Safety Measures and Online Ordering Instructions are attached. You do not READ MORE
Letter From the Principal: October 2018
Dear Families, It is hard to believe that we turn the calendar to November just next week. As we wrap up the eighth week of school, students have settled into their classrooms and teachers are making the most of each day they have with children. We are excited by the possibilities for academic and social gains for each of our students this year.
Letter from Principal Smith: September 2018
Dear Families, As we wrap up the second week of school, we are definitely off to a great start! Thank you for supporting your children as they transition back to school. We appreciate your efforts to get your children to school on time and ready to learn.
Letter From Principal Smith: Welcome Back, Fall 2018
Dear Underwood Families, I hope you had a wonderful summer. The change of pace that summer brings often allows time for relaxation and fun, and I hope all of our families found time for both. As September approaches, I expect many children are ready to return to school. The beginning of a new school year is always filled with energy, excitement, and optimism. This year is no exception, and we look forward to welcoming students back in the coming weeks.
Letter from Principal Smith: End of 2017/18 and Start of 2018/19
Dear Families, It’s hard to believe that we have just over one week of school left in the 2017-2018 school year. The last day of school is Friday, June 22nd. Dismissal on that day will be at 12:00 PM. As we have in past years, we will hold a clap out for our fifth graders as they exit the building for the last time. Parents are welcome to line up at the main entrance to the building to join the clap out.