The Underwood PTO has several open board and volunteer positions for the 2024-25 school year.
OPEN PTO BOARD ROLESThese roles meet monthly from Sept. – June:
- Treasurer
- Newsletter Chair
- DEI/FORJ Co-Chair
- Community Building Co-Chair
OPEN CHAIRS These roles are event/activity specific and do not require an ongoing commitment.
Note: These roles cannot take place without dedicated volunteers:
- Cultural Fair Chairs
- Science Fair Chairs
- Fun Run Co-Chair
- Un-Prom Co-Chair
- FUEL Coordinator
- Trivia Night Coordinator
- Gingerbread House Chairs
- Auction Co-Chair
- Back-to-School Picnic Chairs
Please email us at underwoodpto@gmail.com for more information or if you are interested in any of these roles.