During the 2020-21 school year, health and safety protocols will be of the utmost importance. Staff and students will all need to work together to create a school setting where educational needs can be met while mitigating the risks of COVID-19 for the entire community. This requires people to learn new approaches to their work and practice new behaviors. What follows is an outline of the necessary guidelines to support public health in Newton Public Schools. The implementation of these guidelines will be driven by school administrators who are best equipped to think through the specifics of their buildings and the particular needs of their school community.
These guidelines represent a specific moment in time during a fluid and changing pandemic. The guidance may change. Information and protocols are based on the evidence available at this time. A great deal has been learned about COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. There is an understanding of how the virus is primarily transmitted and how to prevent transmission. The currently favorable public health metrics in Massachusetts overall and Newton specifically allow for a modified version of in person school.