School Access
All Newton public schools remain locked throughout the day with the exception of the start of school, Mondays through Fridays from 8:10-8:20am. To enter the school at other hours you must press the buzzer at the front or back of the school and wait to be buzzed in. Be sure to head straight to the main office. If you are picking up your child, you must sign your child out and the administrator will call your child’s classroom. If you are there to volunteer or for other purposes, you must fill out a name tag to be worn while you are at the school.
School Start and End Times
Students must arrive outside school by 8:05am (please do not drop off children before 8:00, as there are no adults outside to supervise). The bell rings at 8:10am. We expect all children to be in their classrooms by 8:20am.
School hours are 8:10 am to 2:50 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with a 12:20 pm dismissal each Wednesday dismissal.
You can learn more about these new school hours here: https://www.newton.k12.
There are some exceptions to the release schedule around holidays and six planned early release days throughout the year. Find out more on these Newton Public Schools pages:
- School hours and early release day schedule
- Newton Public Schools calendar
- 2021/2022 Printable Calendar
All Underwood School students are dismissed on the blacktop between the school and the playground. Teachers will accompany students and will hold signs with their names so you can easily identify your child’s classroom group. Students are released according to the release form you fill out at the beginning of the year. If someone will pick up your child who is not on the authorized list, please be sure to notify your teacher with a note in your child’s folder.
Late Arrival, Early Pick-ups, and Absences
Children who arrive late must go to the main office to fill out a late slip, which they bring to their teacher. Children who enter the classroom late consistently miss valuable learning time. Please ensure your children are at school on time by 8:10am.
If you know your child will be late or absent, please let the school know by calling the Absence/Call-back number at (617) 559-9680 anytime before 8:10am. There is a voicemail system that is checked regularly. Be sure to leave your name, your child’s name, the date of absence, the teacher’s name, and the reason for absence.
If you plan to pick up your child early from school, head straight to the main office to sign your child out.
If your child will be absent due to illness, please let the Nurse Carrie know by calling (617) 559-9666, or send an email to This helps her know how best to treat your child upon returning, and it gives her an idea of what illnesses are going around the school at a given time.
Getting To And From Underwood
All Newton public schools are neighborhood schools, which means many children are within a walkable distance of the school. We have crossing guards assigned to intersections to be sure children and caregivers can navigate the streets safely. Parking is limited and restricted near the school, so we encourage walking and biking when possible. For parents who drive, please be sure not to stop in bus lanes or block other cars. This creates a dangerous situation for all of our students. DO NOT pull into the school lot in the back of the school, as many children cross in this area and don’t expect cars to be moving with regularity in here. Also, note that Vernon and Eldredge streets directly abutting the school are one-way. Please do not drive the wrong way down these roads.
All students who plan on taking the bus need to register for a bus pass. Find out more information about bus routes or applying for a bus pass.
Classroom Supplies
Any school supply lists will be minimal and will be provided by classroom teachers once classroom assignments are sent.
Allergies At School
Underwood School is not a nut-free school. Families who have children with life-threatening allergies to food should communicate with Carrie Gately, our school nurse, and with the classroom teacher. Underwood School does not allow children to share their food with other students. Find out more about Newton Public School’s complete food allergy policy.
Morning and After School Programs
Starting September 13, 2021, Newton Public Schools will again be offering the Early Morning Program for students in Grades K through 5 in each of the elementary schools. The program is designed to provide a needed service by giving parents the opportunity to bring their children to school prior to the beginning of the regularly scheduled school day. Within the program, each elementary school will offer supervised before school care from 7:20 a.m. until 8:10 a.m. when the school day begins.
For information on this program, click here.
The Underwood After School Program (UASP) is a non-profit that was established by parents to provide a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for children in grades K to 5 after the school day ends. The program is run independently of but cooperatively with Newton Public Schools. The program operates in the first floor of Underwood School. For more information, please visit
Underwood School Handbook
Read the Underwood School handbook to learn more about our school.
The Underwood School PTO is always looking for volunteers in any capacity. Some parents come in once or twice a year to help with classroom activities, such as Creative Arts and Sciences programs, while others help with event planning, event staffing, and fundraising activities. Look inside our Volunteer section to find out more about ways to get more involved. We can help find an opportunity that fits your availability and interest. It’s a great way to meet other parents and make a difference and Underwood School!